I could go one because this article is RIGHTEOUS! Look, I concur with you. The NAACP (and Black organizations in general) have failed Black folks miserably over the past 30 plus years.
The issue these "tepid" reactions to any form of racial injustice while doing little else. In fact this ridiculousness has been going on for quite awhile. For example , in the late 1980s, the late, great, one of a kind , Thurgood Marshall was quoted as saying "Hell No! I am not giving the NAACP one damn dime! Years ago, we did so much with so little, now that have all this money and aren't doing virtually anything." Sad to say, he was right on target!
The Congressional Black Caucus is just as problematic. They are as adrift as a drizzle! Whenever something occurs that could benefit communities of color, they are as the late esteemed journalist George Curry stated, "missing in action." MIA!
Yes, a few members (a few) made a public statement on the abuse that Haitian migrants endured at the hands of sheriff deputies at the border as they should have. Nonetheless, this is hardly sufficient enough to benefit migrants or communities of color in general.
Look, like you said, I respect the past victories that the NAACP and many other of of forebears provided for us. There is no doubt that many of our lives are a lot easier and successful than they would have otherwise have been without as you put (the mountains they were willing to climb and the racist and discriminatory demons they heroically and bravely slayed. We are in eternal debt to some our ancestors.
The truth is that many organizations of color, including the NAACP, receive considerable financial assistance from corporations and wealthy White donors. Thus, one of the stipulations of such financial compensation is " thou shall not bite the hands that feeds you" Thus, they are beholden to their financial benefactors. and are unable or unwilling to "rock the boat." . And, as the STELLAR ACTOR Samuel Jackson stated in the classic movie "Do The Right Thing?" "And That's the truth Ruth!"